Ein Lächeln, das alles verändert – Der nächste Schritt unseres Himalaya-Projekts 2. September 2024 After the successful completion of the first part of our project in mid-2024, where we were able to renovate and secure the school playground in the remote village of Hill, I realized that this was just the beginning. The joy and smiles of the children and the knowledge that we can hopefully provide them with a better foundation for their future lives are deeply engraved in […]
Completion of the project in Nepal: a playground for the children Our Sherpa Ang Gombu has always kept us up to date with the current status of the work on the children’s playground and schoolyard. Unfortunately, there was a setback in May when heavy rainfall washed out the new wall and caused part of it to collapse. But the villagers were not discouraged and used lattice boxes to strengthen the foundations and rebuild the wall. The project around the children’s […]