Project in Nepal: A safe playground for the children

Project in Nepal: A safe playground for the children

Completion of the project in Nepal: a playground for the children

Our Sherpa Ang Gombu has always kept us up to date with the current status of the work on the children’s playground and schoolyard. Unfortunately, there was a setback in May when heavy rainfall washed out the new wall and caused part of it to collapse. But the villagers were not discouraged and used lattice boxes to strengthen the foundations and rebuild the wall. The project around the children’s playground was finally completed on July 14.

As you can see from the pictures, we have managed to create a hopefully more carefree environment for the children, where they can play safely and just be children. When I saw the pictures, I was just delighted that we managed to do this together as a team within a year.

Of course, this would not have been possible without the help of many committed supporters. A big thank you goes to Giovanoli Sport from Sils, the Lüdenscheid Lightnings and the Praxis am Imberg in Olpe. Thanks to everyone who accompanied and supported this project, and special thanks once again to Kletterwelt Sauerland and Grafs Galerie for the platform and support.

However, this does not mean that the project is now complete. In order to continue to give the children a chance of a better future, we have promised to continue to donate money to cover the annual material costs. So that they are equipped with basic materials such as exercise books, pencils, crayons, etc. and hopefully have better opportunities through education in their future.

Together we can still achieve a lot. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and will continue to contribute!

Completion of the playground on July 14, 2024

Setback after rainfall in May 2024

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