A dream day in the Engadin: Felicitas and Danilo’s church wedding

A dream day in the Engadin: Felicitas and Danilo’s church wedding

After the civil wedding of Felicitas and Danilo, which I was already able to capture, I was delighted to be able to accompany their church wedding in the beautiful Engadine.
The wedding took place on June 29 at the Hotel Kronenhof in Pontresina and offered an impressive backdrop.

Morning preparations

The day began with the bride and groom getting ready separately.
Felicitas and Danilo got ready in different rooms of the Kronenhof, accompanied by their closest friends and family members.
The excitement and joy were palpable, and I had the honor of capturing these special moments.

The wedding ceremony in the church of San Gian

They then went to the small but beautiful church of San Gian in Celerina for the church wedding.
The ceremony was emotional and touching, and the historic church provided a perfect backdrop for this special moment.
It was impressive to see Felicitas and Danilo’s love and devotion unfold in this sacred space.

Aperitif at the Kronenhof and couple shoot with a view of the Morteratsch Valley

After the ceremony, we returned to the Kronenhof, where a stylish aperitif awaited the newlyweds and their guests.
It was a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the festive atmosphere and capture some spontaneous moments with the camera.

We then made our way to a specially selected location for the couple shoot: the picturesque Morteratsch Valley.
With its glacial streams and breathtaking mountains in the background, this place offered an incomparable backdrop for romantic and impressive wedding photos.
The nature of the Engadine was at its best and perfectly complemented the beauty of the moment.

Dinner and wedding dance

Back at the Kronenhof, the festive dinner followed, where guests had the opportunity to toast the bride and groom and enjoy delicious food.
The atmosphere was exuberant and cheerful, and I was able to capture many warm and funny moments.
The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly Felicitas and Danilo’s wedding dance, which delighted the guests and was the perfect ending to this wonderful day.

An unforgettable experience

For me as a photographer, it was a wonderful experience to accompany Felicitas and Danilo from their civil wedding to their church wedding and to capture their love story in pictures.
It’s moments like these that make my work so fulfilling.
I am grateful that I was able to be part of this special chapter in their lives and look forward to it.

Felicitations to Felicitas and Danilo!
May your journey together be as beautiful and inspiring as your wedding day.

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